Zentyal 4 Installing and configuring knowhows


Installing and configuring a Zentyal Server ( Exchange Server substitute)

Install server, determine the IP address. Enter the following to login:

https://<ip address>:8443

 Make sure OpenChange is running

Mail > General > Mail server options


Smarthost to send mail.. specify the providers SMTP server, if your provider does not allow SMTP traffic. (i.e. smtp.teksavvy.com )

System > General > Hostname and Domain

Take note of the host name and the domain

Mail > Virtual Domains

Ensure that the email domain/s you are hosting are present, if not add it.
(i.e. carmatters.com )

Certificate Authority > General or Mail > OpenChange

Issue a certificate.

Mail > OpenChange


Most Important!  Make sure the Zentyal server is included in the DNS Servers list of your DHCP server.

Especially for Exchange communications, using the IP address to reference the email server does not work.  The DNS server in Zentyal creates two special DNS entries for each domain.

<domain name>autodiscovery.<domain name>

These entries help Outlook to find the Zentyal server.  The PCs with Outlook need to have the Zentyal server referenced in their DNS list, so that they can find those references.

Troubleshooting: Zentyal reports error: Sender address rejected: not owned by user <sender's email address>

This happens when you are trying to send an email with senders address different than the smtp user's authentication.  One occurrence of this scenario, is with FreeNAS, the root account's email address is different than the account being used to authorize the transmission.
To fix this login to the Zentyal server shell.  Edit the file 


Find the line that reads:


Comment out the line by adding a # to the front of it. Reboot server.

Client Configurations

Connect with an IMAP non-SSL Client

Incoming server: <email server ip address>:143
Outgoing server: <email server ip address>:25

Install ActiveSync

ActiveSync comes in two flavors, see this article for more details:
To make it work, one of the two implementations must be manually installed.

Open a SSH shell

sudo -s
apt-get update
apt-get install sogo-activesync

Verify firewall rules

Make sure port 80 and 443 are pointing to this server, at the bare minimum, the firewall should point ports 25 ( SMTP ) and 443 (SSL) to the zentyal server. Doing so, allows access to ActiveSync Email service from the outside

Activate ActiveSync

Mail > OpenChange > Enable ActiveSync

Outlook Account setup, using Exchange settings

Microsoft Exchange Server: <your FQDN host address> (i.e. zentyal.hawaii.lan)
User Name: <username specified in zentyal user> 
You will be prompted with a Windows style login, enter <NetBIOS Hostname\username> (i.e. zentyal\rwong)
Enter your password you specified 

Outlook 2010 Account Setup using IMAP Settings

Account type: IMAP
IncomingServer: <fqdn or netbios name or IP address of zentyal server>
Outgoing Server: <fqdn or netbios name or IP address of zentyal server>
More Settings > Outgoing Server: check outgoing server SMTP requires authentication.  Use same settings as my incoming server
More Settings > Advanced: Incoming server IMAP port 993, encryption: SSL

Outgoing server SMTP port 25, encryption: none

Move SPAM email to a Spam folder

configure SPAM Assassin to flag the subject line of spam with the pattern ==SPAM==
open a shell command and open the file:

scroll down to the bottom and check out the "Plugin settings" section
check out the file path for the system variable 'sieve_global_path' or sieve_default.  This is the path to the script that gets executed if there are no individual scripts present for a mailbox.


The default sieve script on a Zentyal server as of V4.2 is:

Insert the following code into that file:

require "fileinto";
if header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject" "==SPAM==" {
fileinto "Spam";

/var/vmail/<mail domain>/<user email>
create a file called .dovecot.sieve

In this file put the following:
require "fileinto";
if header :comparator "i;ascii-casemap" :contains "Subject" "==SPAM==" {
fileinto "Spam";
save it and restart the dovecot server
service dovecot restart

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